Attention: Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Anyone Concerned About Their Reputation
“Being Able To Manage And Control What Is Being Said About You On The Internet Has Never Been So Crucial To Your Personal And Professional Success…”
[How to manage your own reputation online, as well as for others who will pay you to help them]
There Has To Be A Simpler Way To Protect Your Reputation…There Is – And I Can Teach You The Exact Steps To Do This For Yourself And For Others
I’m Connie Ragen Green and I’ve been working online exclusively since 2006. In the beginning it was fun for me to “Google” my name to see what I could find about myself on the internet. At first it was just two things; one was a testimonial I had given for a real estate class I had taken and the other was an article from the Sunday newspaper’s Parade magazine where I was quoted for something I had said when interviewed as a classroom teacher.
It was only several years later that a client shared something with me that had been written about them and their company that was ruining their personal and professional reputation. It was at that time that I realized and understood the importance of monitoring, protecting, and managing your reputation, both online and offline. And that’s how this new training course came to be…
Introducing: Online Reputation Management Made Simple…
A Simple, Yet Effective Strategy And Training Program To Teach You How To Manage And Moderate Your Own Reputation, And To Help Others Do The Same
Later on I’ll tell you about the plumbers who came to me with a desperate plea for help in regards to their reputation, but for now let’s discuss the importance of staying on top of what is written and said about you and your business.
Knowing Exactly What Is Being Said And Written About You On The Internet Can Make Or Break Your Reputation, Your Business, And Your Relationships
We’ve all seen this on numerous occasions; something gets posted to Facebook or another social media site – perhaps it’s a photo or video – and suddenly someone’s reputation is ruined or at least questioned. That someone can be you or a loved one, and this situation can be devastating.
The saddest examples of this have involved children, some of whom have taken their own lives as a result, or attempted suicide in a desperate plea for help after the unthinkable occurs in their life and affects their reputation with friends and at school. Let’s put a stop to this by being a part of the solution instead of simply ignoring the problem.
This Is Exactly Why I Created Online Reputation Management Made Simple…
After helping my clients with their reputation management during 2009 I became aware of this situation as a problem for so many people. That’s when I decided to make it a focus in my own business going forward. Maybe it was because I had such empathy for my clients’ dilemma that I made the decision right then and there to help as many people as I could to clear their name and stand tall as an upstanding citizen and member of their community.
If you need this training for your own situation or that of a close friend or family member, scroll to the bottom of this page and join my training program right now so you can get started. Or if you intend on helping others manage their online reputations as a part or full time business, I’d love to help you get started quickly with this worthwhile venture.
5 Reasons Why You Must Make The Time To Manage Your Reputation Online
If what I’m sharing with you here makes sense for you, your loved ones, and for anyone in your life whose reputation means everything to them, then my new training is the logical next step. Here’s why:
- Your reputation is more valuable than any amount of money
- Your social media profiles are fair game for employers (present and future), insurance companies, and others who are considering entering into a fiduciary agreement with you
- Even if something is deleted from an online site, it’s actually still there in the background
- Investor and philanthropist Warren Buffet tells us that “It takes at least 20 years to build a reputation and only five minutes to ruin it.” That has never been more true than in today’s world.
- You never want to be in the position of defending yourself over something you had no knowledge of, in either your personal or professional life.
And the Online Reputation Management Made Simple training course has you covered on all of these points. I’ll stake my own reputation on it.
My Motto Is To “Keep It Simple”
Just as I do with my Online Marketing Incubator and Platinum Mastermind clients, my goal with this workshop training is to keep it all simple. My promise to you is to not waste any of your valuable and precious time with training that is not absolutely crucial to your success with reputation management.
What You Need To Know Before You Make Another Move On The Internet…
The Problem…Anyone can write or say almost anything they want to about another person, even if that person’s reputation is put in jeopardy or they might be embarrassed by what was being said or written. Many times this information is not even truthful!
The Solution…Having a knowledgeable person monitoring what is being written and said can make all of the difference in saving someone’s reputation online, and Online Reputation Management Made Simple gives you the knowledge and tools to easily do this right now.
Why You Must Not Wait To Come Aboard With This Training
The internet moves faster than anything known to man, perhaps with the exception of the human brain. By hesitating to increase your knowledge of online reputation management and taking action to moderate this “silent force” you are only giving up your power in an area where you can learn to easily be in control and on top of what is already out there and building up about you, your family, and your business. This affects you in untold ways, from your reputation with friends and family to business dealings and transactions now and in the future.
Case Study…
One of my students worked with a man to manage his online reputation when his son was not accepted to the college of his choice. This occurred after the school read something negative about the father and his business on some third rate site they found after doing a Google search for his name. This man’s son was being punished for something that was only a partial truth, without the college taking the time to research both sides of the story.
My student worked with his client to clean up and manage what was available on the internet about him, and the following year his son was accepted at a prestigious university in the Northeast. There is no way to know if this was directly related to the reputation management my student worked on with this family, but it seems unlikely that it’s a coincidence.
Can you imagine being turned down for college, for a job, or for something else important to your life, dreams, and goals because of a random posting on Facebook or elsewhere? This is insanity, it’s completely unfair, and it’s time for you to take the upper hand and set the record straight for the world to see, for yourself and for others who are being affected and suffering in silence.
“A good reputation is more valuable than money.” ~ Publilius Syrus
What’s Included in my Online Reputation Management Made Simple training course:
- Step by step training so that you can see exactly what is already out there when someone looks up you or your business
- How to get to the original source of what has been written online so you have a better chance of having it edited or deleted completely
- When to address the issue directly and when to do this covertly for better long term results
- A 10 Point Checklist and Cheat Sheet on how to find out who is saying what so that you can protect your reputation from the very beginning
“Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
My Promise To You…
You will be able to manage your reputation online, based on the thorough and detailed research and step-by-step training I have included in the Online Reputation Management Made Simple course.
When You Come Aboard, Your Bonuses Include:
- A 30 Minute Laser Focused Consultation With Me to Determine How You Will Best Utilize This Training
- Detailed Training on How to Get Started with Social Media Management and Reputation Management for Other Professionals and Small Businesses
Oh, and just one more thing…
What you learn and implement by taking this training course can be used to help business owners and thought leaders in your community who will look to you as their trusted advisor and confidant. They will also pay you well for this help.
Earlier I promised to tell you about the plumbers who came to me with a desperate plea for help in regards to their reputation. It was in the middle of a heat wave here in southern California during July of 2009, and I’ll never forget when I got the call. These plumbers were twin brothers whom I had been marketing for over the previous two years, and they were shocked when one of their customers cancelled a major plumbing job after reading something about them and their company on the internet.
They were devastated when they looked online and found an article accusing them of elder abuse. It turned out they had gone out to take care of a plumbing issue for an elderly couple, and what looked like a quick repair turned into a major project costing several thousand dollars. The couple’s son was an attorney who believed the plumbers and their company had exaggerated the problem in order to take advantage of his parents.
This was the first time the plumbers had heard about this and their reputation was on the line. That’s when I got involved and began perfecting and implementing the strategies I’m teaching you here. I knew exactly what to do, and within a couple of weeks those results had been pushed back where few people would ever see them. A month after that they were all but gone. Once I determined that the plumbers and their company were not at fault, helping my clients to restore their valuable reputation was a simple process.
And rest assured everything I show you is above board – morally, legally, and ethically.
Sign up today and get started right away with this important and lucrative opportunity.
For the price of a dinner for two on a Saturday night you could be on your way to becoming an authority on the topic on online reputation management. Isn’t it worth it to learn as much as you possibly can in order to help yourself, your loved ones, and others who need this type of help for themselves and their businesses?
Just to Recap…
When you sign up today you will receive:
- Step by step training so that you can see exactly what is already out there when someone looks up you or your business
- How to get to the original source of what has been written online so you have a better chance of having it edited or deleted completely
- When to address the issue directly and when to do this covertly for better long term results
- A 10 Point Checklist and Cheat Sheet on how to find out who is saying what so that you can protect your reputation from the very beginning
Each Session is a Workshop Unto Itself,
Where the Goal Will Be for You to Set Up and Create An Affiliate Marketing Business That Makes Sense for You.
You’ll Experience Immediate Gratification During This Process.
The Training Modules In Reputation Management Made Simple Include…
Module 1 – Getting Started with Reputation Management
- What’s Available to Others When They Google Your Name?
- How Can Your Reputation Affect Your Personal and Professional Success?
- Which Tools Do I Need in Order to Get started?
Module 2 – Beyond the Basics: Monitoring, Managing, and Building Your Reputation
- Locating the Source of Your Personal Information
- How to Know Which Information to Push Up in Your Google Rankings
Module 3 – Advanced Strategies: Using Your Reputation to Increase Your Income
- Using The “Green Technique” to Build/Grow Your Business
- How to Get Influencers and Thought Leaders to Come to You
Module 4 – Reputation Management for Others as a Business Model (TBA)
- Finding Clients Who Need Your Help with Reputation Management
- Creating an Income Stream Where Reputation Management is an Offering
- Adding Social Media Management and Local Business Marketing for Added Revenue
- A 30 Minute Laser Focused Consultation With Me to Determine How You Will Best Utilize This Training
- Detailed Training on How to Get Started with Social Media Management and Reputation Management for Other Professionals and Small Businesses
You Will Be Included In All Live Training Sessions, As Well As Receiving Access To All Replays And Materials For A Full Two Years From The Day You Join This Program…At No Additional Cost!
Only $29… Includes All Bonuses!
No Coupon Code Needed!
Have a Question or Need Client Support? Email Me Directly at and I Will Personally Answer You Promptly!
P.S. Sign up now and receive a 30 Minute Laser Focused Call with me to discuss how to best build a business offering online reputation management to others.
P.P.S. This is the first time I am offering this training program, so get registered today while it is still available at the low pricing.
What Others Have To Say About Me…
It’s your integrity, your servant heart, and quality courses that have kept me as a customer for so many years. Not too long after I found you, I ordered a course, twice. Quietly, behind the scenes, you credited my account. How did I find out? I noticed it on my statement. That act revealed that you were a woman of integrity; one I wanted to continue to do business with and to learn from.~ Joyce Heiser
If I didn’t already know you, I would want to. ~ Faylee James
Just to say how much I enjoy your training courses, and how helpful I find them. I appreciate the effort and personal touches you put into it, too. ~ Alex Rowan
I’m a fan. I have two of your books. Thanks for being a great teacher and writer. ~ Tony Marino
Connie has a gift for communicating large concepts in ways that make communication possible. She speaks a kind of language that is engaging and easy to comprehend, and this is what students like. I’ve been teaching online and offline courses for a number of years. I took Connie’s program because I wanted to see someone else’s system. I like Connie’s methodology, and I’m glad I took her course. Thanks, Connie. You’re a wonderful teacher. ~ Marilyn Gordon
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